From the visionary minds behind the acclaimed Galactic Phantasy franchise, Over Space emerges as a groundbreaking massively multiplayer online (MMO) space role-playing and strategy game. This new title not only continues the rich lore of the Galactic Phantasy Universe but also introduces a completely reimagined gameplay experience, featuring an all-new narrative and innovative multiplayer systems.
The Alliance Wars have begun! In Over Space, the stakes are higher than ever. Engage in thrilling space battles that extend beyond the stars. Explore the diverse planets within the Over Space Universe, uncovering valuable resources and facing formidable foes. Command ground units such as Armoroids, Bots, and Drones, while enhancing your space troops with newly designed Ex-edition counterparts. Customize your battleship extensions to create a fleet that reflects your strategic vision.
Gone are the days of merely piloting a single ship in dogfights reminiscent of Galactic Phantasy Prelude. Now, you step into the role of Commander-in-Chief, overseeing large-scale fleet engagements. Plan your fleet formations and devise unique tactics to outmaneuver your enemies in colossal space battles. In Over Space, it’s common to witness massive encounters featuring over 100 spacecraft, a scale rarely seen in mobile gaming.
While quick reflexes are essential in one-on-one skirmishes, commanding a fleet requires a deeper understanding of strategy. Create custom fleet formations that align with your play style. Utilize the firepower of Tank Frigates, deploy agile Speeder Destroyers to distract opponents, or leverage the long-range capabilities of Ranger Cruisers. Experiment with various spaceship classes and arrange them into formations such as columns, squares, wedges, or clusters to develop your unique tactical approach.
In the vastness of space, you are never truly alone. Test your strategies against other fleet commanders, both online and offline. Victory is not solely determined by the strength of your battleships; superior tactics and formations can lead to triumph over seemingly stronger foes. Over Space rewards clever strategists, offering greater rewards for defeating powerful opponents with a well-crafted, albeit weaker, fleet.
While Corvettes and Frigates serve their purpose, nothing compares to your personalized battleships equipped with custom extension modules. Your tactical options are virtually limitless. As you explore the universe and recruit talented crew members, you gain further opportunities to enhance your battleships' performance. Crafting the perfect setup tailored to your unique play style becomes an art form, allowing for endless combinations and strategies.
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