Nonogram, also known as Hanjie, Picross, Griddlers, or Japanese Crosswords, is an engaging logic-based puzzle game that challenges players to fill in or leave blank cells based on numerical clues. These clues, positioned alongside a grid, guide you in revealing a hidden pixelated image. This delightful game not only entertains but also serves as an excellent exercise for your brain, keeping your mind sharp and active.
At its core, Nonogram is a picture cross Sudoku puzzle. The objective is straightforward: follow the basic rules and logic to uncover the concealed image. The grid consists of squares that must either be filled with color or marked as blank. The numbers provided above each column are read from top to bottom, while those on the left of each row are read from left to right. By interpreting these numbers, players can color in squares or mark them with an 'X' to indicate they should remain empty.
As you successfully complete each Nonogram puzzle, you earn pieces of a Jigsaw shard. This unique feature allows you to discover a vast collection of over 9,000 breathtaking images across various themes. This game stands out as the first Nonogram experience that combines puzzle-solving with Jigsaw gameplay, offering a dual-layer of enjoyment!
In addition to Nonogram puzzles, players can immerse themselves in exclusive Jigsaw challenges. Each time you conquer a Nonogram, you receive puzzle pieces that contribute to completing a magnificent larger picture. With a total of ten exquisite images waiting to be uncovered, the excitement never ends! (Note: The likelihood of receiving puzzle pieces varies across different chapters, so don’t be surprised if you don’t get one after a level.)
Venture into the enchanting Secret Garden, a space designed to welcome all visitors and travelers. Earn gold leaves to decorate and renovate your garden with charming elements such as houses, gazebos, paths, fences, gates, and a variety of flowers like lavender, camellia, and maple. Create and customize your little island into a dreamlike fantasy space!
To keep the excitement alive, we offer two engaging activities for both weekdays and weekends! Complete daily quizzes to earn rewards, including diamond jewelry and theme coins. Don’t miss out on our new time-limited Weekend Challenge, featuring 200 fresh Nonogram levels in sizes of 5x5, 8x8, and 10x10, available every Saturday and Sunday. These events provide unique theme coins for you to collect!
Eight new themes are now available, each offering a distinct style: Classic Green, Dark, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Starry, Wood-Dark, and Wood-Light. These themes enhance your gaming experience and can be purchased using theme coins earned from completing Daily Missions and Weekend Challenges.
Take on the challenge and immerse yourself in the endless fun of Nonogram puzzles! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, this game promises to provide hours of entertainment and mental stimulation.
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at