In the 25th century, humanity has transcended its earthly bounds, venturing into the cosmos to establish new homes on distant planets. However, upon arriving in a promising star system, the Ark ship's crew faced a harsh reality: no habitable planets were found. This dire situation ignited a fierce conflict among three distinct factions—scientists, workers, and military—on the planet with the most favorable living conditions. Each faction is driven by its own ambitions: to settle, to explore further, or to return to Earth. With only one ship available and limited resources, the question looms: which faction will emerge victorious? The choice is yours! Lead your faction to triumph in this gripping real-time strategy game.
Immerse yourself in a classic real-time strategy (RTS) gameplay that challenges your tactical skills and decision-making abilities. Engage in intense battles, manage resources, and strategize your moves to outsmart your opponents. The game offers a rich environment where every decision counts, and your leadership will determine the fate of your faction.
Each faction in this game possesses distinct characteristics and balance features, allowing players to tailor their strategies according to their preferred playstyle:
Embark on an epic journey through more than 30 single-player missions spread across three captivating campaigns. Each mission presents unique challenges and objectives, pushing your strategic thinking to the limit. As you progress, you'll uncover the intricate storylines of each faction, deepening your connection to the characters and their struggles.
Challenge your friends or players from around the world in a complete multiplayer mode that enhances the competitive experience. Form alliances, engage in epic battles, and test your strategies against real opponents. The multiplayer aspect adds a layer of unpredictability, ensuring that no two games are ever the same.
To keep the competition fierce and fair, the game features a robust rating system based on the Elo rating methodology. This system evaluates player performance and skill level, allowing you to track your progress and climb the ranks. Compete against others to prove your dominance and establish your faction as the ultimate victor.
The 25th century presents a thrilling landscape of conflict, strategy, and survival. As you choose your faction and lead them to victory, remember that every decision shapes the future of humanity in this new world. Will you guide the scientists to technological supremacy, empower the workers to build a thriving settlement, or unleash the military's might to conquer all? The fate of your faction lies in your hands. Step into the challenge and carve your legacy in the stars!