"Choice of the Dragon" is an exhilarating interactive novel crafted by the talented duo Dan Fabulich and Adam Strong-Morse. This text-based adventure, comprising 30,000 words, invites players to immerse themselves in a world where every decision shapes the narrative. With no graphics or sound effects to distract you, the game harnesses the boundless power of your imagination, allowing you to create a unique story with each playthrough.
In "Choice of the Dragon," you step into the formidable role of a dragon, driven by an insatiable thirst for gold and notoriety. Your adventure begins with the conquest of a local tribe of goblins, setting the stage for your rise to power. As you navigate through the game, you will have the opportunity to usurp kingdoms, defend your despotic regime, and expand your territory by annexing neighboring lands. The thrill of incinerating peasants in their thatched-roof cottages adds a layer of excitement to your quest for dominance.
One of the most captivating aspects of "Choice of the Dragon" is the ability to customize your character. Players can choose to play as a male, female, neither, or an undetermined gender. This inclusivity allows for a more personalized experience, enabling you to connect with your dragon on a deeper level. The choices you make not only affect the storyline but also influence how other characters perceive and interact with you.
As you navigate the treacherous landscape of your dragon's world, you will encounter various characters, including heroes, wizards, and rival dragons. The game offers the chance to find and seduce another dragon to become your mate, adding a romantic element to your adventure. Alternatively, you can choose to kidnap princesses, not just for a light snack but also for engaging conversation or to bait unsuspecting heroes. The game humorously addresses the traditional trope of princess-kidnapping, allowing players to opt for a prince instead, challenging the norms of fantasy storytelling.
In your quest for power, you will also have the opportunity to ransack holy temples, blaspheming against vengeful gods. This rebellious act not only adds depth to your character but also enhances the thrill of your journey. The choices you make in these scenarios can lead to unforeseen consequences, making each decision critical to your success.
The beauty of "Choice of the Dragon" lies in its interactive nature. Every choice you make propels the story forward, leading to multiple endings and countless possibilities. This dynamic gameplay ensures that no two experiences are the same, encouraging players to explore different paths and outcomes. Whether you choose to be a benevolent ruler or a tyrannical overlord, the power is in your hands.
"Choice of the Dragon" is more than just a game; it’s an immersive experience that allows you to unleash your creativity and explore the depths of your imagination. With its engaging narrative, customizable characters, and thrilling choices, this interactive novel is a must-play for anyone who enjoys fantasy adventures. So, spread your wings, let your shadow loom over the land, and embark on a journey filled with power, intrigue, and endless possibilities!