In the mystical realm of Pravus Castle, where shadows dance and secrets linger, a captivating tale unfolds. This narrative centers around Lucy, a maid who finds herself entangled in a web of desire and competition among three intriguing suitors. As the moon casts its eternal glow, the story explores the depths of instinctual love and the choices that define our destinies.
Lucy has spent a month in the enigmatic Pravus Castle, a place where the supernatural intertwines with the mundane. Her presence has not gone unnoticed, particularly by Urian, the powerful incubus who rules the castle. Urian, captivated by Lucy's charm, makes a bold declaration: he will relinquish his throne to the man who wins her heart. This proclamation sets the stage for a fierce competition among three distinct candidates, each vying for Lucy's affection.
As Lucy navigates her new life, she finds herself drawn to three potential lovers, each offering a unique allure:
Ivan, a half-incubus and half-human, serves as the trusted adviser to Urian. His perfectionist nature and meticulous approach to tasks make him a formidable presence in the castle. Despite facing prejudice from pure-blooded incubus, Ivan's intelligence and competence have earned him Urian's unwavering trust. His sexy demeanor and ability to maintain order in the chaos of the castle make him an appealing choice for Lucy. However, will his perfectionism allow him to connect with her on a deeper level?
Dylan, a member of St. Lumiere's exorcist, brings a refreshing energy to the castle. His free-spirited nature and infectious smile light up the otherwise dull atmosphere. While he is a loyal exorcist, his laid-back approach to life often raises eyebrows. Dylan's ability to bring joy and laughter to those around him makes him a strong contender for Lucy's heart. But can his carefree attitude mask the seriousness of his duties as an exorcist?
Jaime, a pure-blooded incubus and Urian's right-hand man, embodies the darker aspects of desire. His pride and authority often lead him to mistreat those he deems weaker. With a penchant for cruelty and a volatile temper, Jaime's approach to love is as intense as it is dangerous. Despite his flaws, his raw passion may be what Lucy finds irresistible. But can she handle the weight of his dark desires?
At the center of this love triangle is Urian, the owner of Pravus Castle. Once a figure of overwhelming power, Urian's presence has shifted, leaving him more approachable yet still commanding respect. His fondness for tea and casual conversations with Ivan reveals a softer side, but his laziness and reluctance to engage with his responsibilities raise questions about his true intentions. As the orchestrator of this competition, Urian's role is pivotal in shaping Lucy's journey.
As Lucy spends dreamy nights with each of her suitors, she delves deeper into their worlds, exploring the complexities of love and desire. The eternal moonlight of the castle serves as a backdrop for her emotional exploration, where instincts reign supreme. Each encounter brings her closer to understanding her own heart and the choices that lie ahead.
"Bride of the Nightmare" invites readers to immerse themselves in a world where love transcends the ordinary. As Lucy navigates her relationships with Ivan, Dylan, and Jaime, she learns that love is not merely a choice but a journey of self-discovery. In a realm where the moon never sets, the call of instinct beckons, urging her to embrace her desires and forge her own path. Will Lucy find the love she seeks, or will the shadows of the castle consume her? The answer lies within the pages of this enchanting tale.